Wednesday, October 4, 2017

October 4 Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praise the Lord -  for a successful coffee morning fundraiser for UCB national Christian radio last Saturday.
- Praise the Lord - the first night of Women's Study for this year was excellent with great participation, openness and involvement from everyone.

- Praise the Lord - JoAnne has finally gotten a permanent, part time job! It's ideal for her.


- Pray with us for Benjamin in Scotland who is getting a 'career break' which will allow him to visit Ballymena and see what the society is like as well as to seek the Lord for direction about serving Him in a more direct way. Praise the Lord, he will be here for the church retreat in October, now.

- Please also pray for the Lord to lead us in planning for the church retreat in two weeks

- Pray for Cheryl in California - the recovery from knee replacement surgery has caused tremendous pain and was set back by delayed delivery of therapy equipment. She says the pain from the knee has a life of its own! 

- Please pray for Joel, a young man from Northern Ireland who is in San Diego working with a church, but is struggling to get a religious worker visa from Homeland Security. Pray that his plight finds favour with the bureaucrats in the government.

- Pray for Jayne, the sister of a close friend here who has suffered from psoriasis since childhood. It has recently sunk her into a deep depression 

- Pray for Christi Z. who was at the concert in Las Vegas. She was unharmed and is giving God the credit and telling everyone that it was because people are praying for her. Pray that this will bring her back to an active walk with the Lord.

- Keep praying with us against depression and fear that grip a lot of lives (both of Christians and the unsaved) in this country.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

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