Sunday, October 17, 2010

Candle Making Craft Class

 Yesterday we attended a craft class in town, candle making.  I talked Rick into coming along, and because he is such a good sport...sure enough...he came!  We had such a good time, met lots of folks and each came home with a hand full of candles!  We wanted to do this in order to get out and meet people where we normally wouldn't.

One women in particular was great - Dominic, she is from France originally but has lived here in Ballymena for the last 21 years.  Dominic has two children, and we have invited her to come along to the Hallelujah Party the 30th October.  She teaches French at a local secondary school (high school) Ballymena Academy.  It's quite interesting, in the fact that she and her children actually live on the grounds of the school!  There are three homes on the grounds.  One is for the Head Master (Principal), another for the Grounds Keeper and the third I'm not sure who its for, but Dominic and her family love living there.  She said that she actually has 3 gardeners!

Rochella and Dominic

Rick had a lot of fun in the class
We all had a great time at the candle making class, and are very glad we took it, even Rick said so as well!!

Flowers - mine, Stripes, Ricks..pretty cool huh!!!
These are all the candles Cindy made.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Calvary Chapel Ireland Conference

This year the first, of a long awaited. All Ireland conference was held the first weekend in October. There were around 160 attendees in all. It was a wonderful time for all the Calvary Chapels in the Republic of Ireland and Harvest (the only CC in Northern Ireland) to come together and fellowship, get to know one another and to see all the children playing together. We drove down to the conference, arriving on Thursday, to help set up in any way needed. Jan Knight, one of the women from Harvest drove down with us.

On our way to the conference we stopped by a "High Cross", seen in the picture behind Cindy & Jan. This cross is around 1000 years old! Inscribed on this, and another located here, is the story of the Bible. Carvings beginning in creation through to the second coming of Christ...amazing to see these crosses. I Peter 1:25 says, "the Word of the Lord endures forever" is what comes to my mind.
Once we arrived to the conference, Rick and I were asked to oversee the camping and registration. So, camping we did....but this time....we stayed dry!! It did rain, but we were blessed with a new tent...a waterproof one!! We did have a wonderful time, and we were snug a bugs in a rug! (only 3 layers of sleeping bags and blankets :-)

This is the 'best' picture I was able to get this night...Ian is playing the Uluen (sp?) pipe, and Irish pipe, Siona, his fiancée is playing her violin, then there is Rebekah (Pastor William's wife) on her violin and Dave Sylvester from CC York came to lead worship. We were truly blessed with some great worship.
Rick and one of the men who are helping at CC Waterford, CJ from the States

John Henry is one of the teachers at the School of Ministry where Rick attended. We have a real special place in our hearts for John Henry - he is so much fun, always keeping a smile on your face!