Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October 11 Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praise the Lord - After many months of praying, Linsey has contacted us and will be joining our women's study!  This is a encouraging answer to prayer...thank you for your faithfulness on her behalf.
- Praise the Lord - we heard that Matt, who was shot in the shoulder at the Harvest concert in Las Vegas won't require a 2nd surgery and has been released from hospital and is back home!

- Praise the Lord - Benjamin has been blessed of the Lord this week. Keep praying! See below.


- Pray with us for Benjamin in Scotland who is taking a 'career break' allowing him to visit Ballymena and see what the society is like as well as to seek the Lord for direction about serving Him in a more direct way. Pray especially that he will be hear from the Lord during the church retreat this weekend.

- Please also pray for the Lord to speak to all of us attending the church retreat. The theme is Prayer and Practising the Presence of the Lord. I greatly desire that each and every one of us will hear from the Lord in whatever manner He chooses to 'speak' to us. 

- Also keep praying for wee Jacob who is still in a battle over fear that affects him for school. We pray now that he will not be overwhelmed with anxiety. We also lift up his parents, Karen and Ric.

- Please pray for Joel, a young man from Northern Ireland who is in San Diego working with a church, but is struggling to get a religious worker visa from Homeland Security. Pray that he finds favour with the bureaucrats in the government.

- Pray for Jayne, the sister of a close friend here, and has suffered from psoriasis since the age of 12. Lately she it has throw her into a dark depression that is even affecting the whole family.

- Pray for Cheryl in California - the recovery from knee replacement surgery has caused tremendous pain and was set back by delayed delivery of therapy equipment. She says the pain from the knee has a life of its own! 

-Pray for Linsey who has decided she'll come back to women's group that she'll come back on Sunday's as well. We are also praying again for a healing for the psoriasis that has returned.

- Keep praying with us against depression and fear that grip a lot of lives (both of Christians and the unsaved) in this country.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Blessings - Rick and Cindy Johnston

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