Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 29 Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praise the Lord - There was a terrific outreach at Harrogate last week that Rick was able to assist with. Though Cindy was too sick to travel, Rick's being there was a great help for the Howards
- Praise the Lord - Two people were prayed for to receive Christ at the outreach and many lives were touched and blessed by it.
- Praise the Lord - Cindy has nearly completely recovered from the bad flu she caught at the end of the missions conference in Austria
- Praise the Lord - William has been fairly well freed up from downward thoughts this past week
- Pray for Rick as he prepares for the coming season of teaching
- Pray for Cindy as she organises upcoming events and meetings
-Pray for John as he returns to York for university. We pray that he will commit to following the Lord and choose to regularly attend nearby CC York, as well as commit to do his course-work.
- Pray for Darrell, who is being oppressed and brought low by the enemy - that he would be freed up and surrender his life to Jesus.
- Pray for Christine - for her blood iron levels to elvate since they are too low. Her operation has been postponed because of this and she has been put back onto a waiting list for knee surgery.
- Pray for William - to continue to be relieved from thoughts which lead him into depression and confusion about his workplace.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

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