Tuesday, August 22, 2017

August 22 Praises & Prayer Requests

- Praising the Lord - We had an amazing time at the missions conference in Austria last week.  We are so blessed, encouraged and excited by the great teaching, fellowship and really enjoyed the warm weather!
- Praise the Lord - Church service the last two Sundays have gone well, Praise the Lord for our faithful friends, Stephen and Lorraine and our wee body at CBV.
- Praise the Lord - Bradley allowed Rick to visit him and pray with him.
- Praise the Lord - William's work situation has improved greatly!

- Pray for Rick as he is in Harrogate, England working with Pastor Mike Howard at CC Harrogate for a one day outreach, 'Day of Hope' being held this Friday, 25 August.
 - Pray for Cindy, she was due to travel to Harrogate with Rick, but due to getting the flu upon arriving back from Austria isn't able to travel.
- Pray for Darren, who is being oppressed by the enemy - that he would be freed up and surrender to Jesus.
- Pray for Christine - due to her iron levels being too low still, her operation has been postponed again and she has been put back onto a waiting list for her knee surgery.
- Pray for Willam - to be releieved from thoughts which lead him into depression

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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