Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 29 Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praise the Lord - There was a terrific outreach at Harrogate last week that Rick was able to assist with. Though Cindy was too sick to travel, Rick's being there was a great help for the Howards
- Praise the Lord - Two people were prayed for to receive Christ at the outreach and many lives were touched and blessed by it.
- Praise the Lord - Cindy has nearly completely recovered from the bad flu she caught at the end of the missions conference in Austria
- Praise the Lord - William has been fairly well freed up from downward thoughts this past week
- Pray for Rick as he prepares for the coming season of teaching
- Pray for Cindy as she organises upcoming events and meetings
-Pray for John as he returns to York for university. We pray that he will commit to following the Lord and choose to regularly attend nearby CC York, as well as commit to do his course-work.
- Pray for Darrell, who is being oppressed and brought low by the enemy - that he would be freed up and surrender his life to Jesus.
- Pray for Christine - for her blood iron levels to elvate since they are too low. Her operation has been postponed because of this and she has been put back onto a waiting list for knee surgery.
- Pray for William - to continue to be relieved from thoughts which lead him into depression and confusion about his workplace.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

August 22 Praises & Prayer Requests

- Praising the Lord - We had an amazing time at the missions conference in Austria last week.  We are so blessed, encouraged and excited by the great teaching, fellowship and really enjoyed the warm weather!
- Praise the Lord - Church service the last two Sundays have gone well, Praise the Lord for our faithful friends, Stephen and Lorraine and our wee body at CBV.
- Praise the Lord - Bradley allowed Rick to visit him and pray with him.
- Praise the Lord - William's work situation has improved greatly!

- Pray for Rick as he is in Harrogate, England working with Pastor Mike Howard at CC Harrogate for a one day outreach, 'Day of Hope' being held this Friday, 25 August.
 - Pray for Cindy, she was due to travel to Harrogate with Rick, but due to getting the flu upon arriving back from Austria isn't able to travel.
- Pray for Darren, who is being oppressed by the enemy - that he would be freed up and surrender to Jesus.
- Pray for Christine - due to her iron levels being too low still, her operation has been postponed again and she has been put back onto a waiting list for her knee surgery.
- Pray for Willam - to be releieved from thoughts which lead him into depression

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 8 - Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praising the Lord - We had a great time of rest and relaxation last week. Thank you for praying for us!
- Praise the Lord - Christine's surgery for her knee has been scheduled for next week

- Praise the Lord - Duncan in Scotland has succumed to his illness, his suffering is over. No word of his eternal destiny.

- Pray for our dear friend Stephen, as he'll be taking the meeting at CBV this coming Sunday for Rick.  Pray that he and his wife, Lorraine, are blessed as they come to minister to our wee flock.
- Pray that Bradley, who is being lured back to his old life, will return to a desire to follow Jesus. Linsey as well. It is a real battle for their souls!

- Pray for Creation Fest in Cornwall, England this week. We pray now for great fruit in the lives of non-believers and believers alike as the gospel is proclaimed and the word of God is taught.

- Pray that the surgery for Christine's knee, rescheduled for next week. We pray for her that the anemia issue with her blood will be overcome so the surgery can occur and that there will be a successful operation.

- Pray for us this next week as we travel to the Castle in Austria for the missions conference that we will not only be refeshed and encouraged, but prepared for what may lie ahead.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August 1 Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praising the Lord - for the Christian youth of Ballymena who were involved with Spark this past week. we were very impressed by the openness, honesty and desire for seeing Jesus touch the lives of the community through themselves
- Praise the Lord - Leslie is completely healed from from her illnesses from Haiti.

- Praise the Lord - Don's delicate neck surgery was successful.
- Praise the Lord - Gail has gotten a job in England where she will be moving back to at the end of September

-Praise the Lord - After 33 radiation treatments for breast cancer, Cheryl's been given the 'all clear'!!

- Pray that the surgery for Christine's knee will be able to be rescheduled soon. There was some sort of issue with her bloods.  She is understandably nervous about it and we pray for peace in her mind and a 100% successful operation when it occurs.

- Pray that Leslie, when she has surgery at the end of the month to replace the battery in her spinal cord stimulator. 

- Pray for us to make good use of this week of rest.

- Pray for Creation Fest in Cornwall, England which begins next week. We pray now for a smooth and safe set-up and for great fruit for non-believers and believers alike to come next week as the gospel is proclaimed and the word of God is taught.
 Pray for us to be able to start a new Bible study for the new believers going over the basics. Pray that those who are curious about Christianity would also attend.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support  
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston