Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.
Praise Reports:
Praise the Lord: A new girl, Lynsey, has come to the women's study and
taken the last book, then was at church with us on Sunday.
Praise the Lord - The youth have written the puppet show they will
performing at the end of November, bringing an early start of Christmas
for the special needs youth group, Crocus.
- Praise the Lord: Rick has been asked to take an entire evening service and share his testimony at Cullybacky Methodist Church.
Thank you for praying for the following with us:
We pray for Leo's parents who will be moved from Oregon to southern
California next week: for her mum, who has dementia, to settle well with
the change and her father to hear Monday that the catheter for his
prostate can be removed.
Please pray for Jenny "that God...may give to [her] the spirit of
wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of [her]
understanding being enlightened" (Eph 1:17-18a)
- Pray for the salvation of Leanda and Lynsey who are beginning the women's study.
Pray that Cindy and I will be successful in getting our next visa. It will be three more weeks before we can apply.
Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Pastor Rick & Cindy Johnston
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