Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.
Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord: We are moving ahead with the coffee morning fundraiser for November 7.
Praise the Lord - The ladies are taking to heart what they are studying and overcoming fears.
- Praise the Lord: We had a full house Sunday morning, literally, as a family and 6 of their kids that we hadn't seen for a while visited us. They're planning to return Saturday for the baking day outreach.
Thank you for praying for the following with us:
- Rick will be giving his testimony at a Methodist church in a town nearby. Pray that a message from the Lord will encourage and touch people through him.
- Pray that the Lord will bless the baking day outreach with good fellowship and an openness to Him.
Please keep praying for Jenny that God will give her understanding of
her personal salvation and assurance of her place in His kingdom.
- Pray for the salvation of Leanda and Lynsey from the women's study.
Pray that Cindy and I will be successful in getting our next visa. It is only one more week before we can apply!
Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston
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