Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week. 

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord: Cindy has 15 ladies, mostly from the community, who will be coming to the fortnightly Bible study.
- Praise the Lord: The fruit for the Lord that has come from Bethany Topping's suicide has been amazing.
- Praise the Lord: A church wide retreat has been planned for September.
- Praise the Lord: We survived a difficult time as it was Mother's Day in the US.

Thank you for praying for the following with us:
-  Pray for the future direction of the leaders of CR in Ballymena as Celebrate Recovery (CR) will be coming to an end this month. Many of the leadership team want to continue involvement with a recovery ministry. Please pray for the Lord to direct us and open doors to make a way, showing His will.
- Pray for Pastor Leo and Cheryl Rose of Inverness Bible Fellowship (our visa sponsor). They are filing a 2nd appeal in an upper court of the government's decision to not allow them to remain in the UK, but it will require £20-£30k ($30-$45k) which they do not have.  They are not soliciting individual donations, but are waiting in faith for the Lord to supply. Let's join them in prayer believing for Him to supply and to bring a decision to allow them to stay in the UK.
- Inverness Bible Fellowship (IBF) is the actual sponsor of the visas. Pray that they will be strengthened in the Lord and leaders risen up.
- Pray that the recent audit of IBF will be acceptable to the Home Office. "Immigration" is a political hot button issue and the officials are looking for any excuse to void sponsorships.
- Continued peace and comfort for the Topping family.
- Please lift up Sally, mother of one of the members of our care team in America. She has just been diagnosed with stage 2 ovarian cancer.
- Please pray for Jo Anne, a believer, who is currently working a temporary part time job, that she would get a permanent, part time position.
-We will begin bi-weekly Meetings for Prayer as a body on Wednesdays, beginning this evening
Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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