Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 14 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

 Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord: for the wonderful visit we had from three girls on break from CC Bible college in Waterford. It's good to have a chance to show hospitality - they really appreciated it - and we were very impressed by the spiritual maturity they had.
- Praise the Lord: For the youth outing into Belfast that we had Saturday. Everyone but one lad who was sick made it and it was a great time of fellowship
- Praise the Lord:  For the special way the Lord moved during our fellowship at church on Sunday.
- Praise the Lord: Trisha got baptised Sunday at Refuge, CCHB.  We're very proud of our "daughter" and her witness and are so pleased with her walk in the Lord.

Thank you for praying for the following with us:
- The sponsors of our visa had a scheduled audit from the Immigration officials today that was very gruelling for Leo Rose. Pray that all will be acceptable to the Home Office.
-  We will be hosting the 3rd annual BHOP prayer retreat in a week from Saturday. We pray that the Lord will bring a spirit of unity and His presence bind us together as one.
-  Please pray for "Uncle Bill" whose 2-year old child died suddenly last year. His already weak faith took a major hit and he is not walking with the Lord at the present.
- Keep praying for two of our youth: B. who is struggling with her identity in Christ and K. who is doubting her salvation. I must stress how critical the situation is for their spiritual lives!
- Women's study as they finish Kay Smith's book, Pleasing God  this Thursday.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support

God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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