Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Apil 21 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord: The engine of our car blew as Rick was on his way to Maghaberry Prison. The car is not worth repairing, but the Lord has already lead us to a replacement.
- Praise the Lord: For Celebrate Recovery starting back up after a break for Easter. Rick taught a lesson on 'Grace' that was well received.

- Praise the Lord:  For our Shepherd's Heart missionary support team's faithfulness and persistence to help care for our needs. 

- Praise the Lord: Tim, a young man at church announced his engagement to Hazel. We pray the Lord's blessing on the godly young couple

Thank you for praying for the following with us: 
- Pray for the finances to be available and work out smoothly to purchase the car we'll need to get.

- Pray for Celebrate Recovery (CR) in Ballymena as it will be coming to an end this May. We'd like to see our involvement with a recovery ministry continue and we've been talking with some people in other churches about continuing the program. Please pray for the Lord to open doors and make a way if that is His will. 

- Our heart goes out toward the broken and outcast, so pray that the Lord will lead us into what He has for the future as we wish to continue to work with those in recovery.

- Pray that the audit our visa sponsor's had last week will be acceptable to the Home Office. "Immigration" is a political hot button issue and the officials are looking for any excuse to void sponsorships.

-  We will be hosting the annual BHOP prayer retreat this Saturday. We pray that the Lord will bring a spirit of unity and His presence will bind us together as we seek the Lord's blessing on the Ballymena area.

- Women's study has finished Kay Smith's book, Pleasing God. They will begin a 4-week study through the book of Philippians to take them up to summer. There has been even more interest from the community of ladies wanting to participate in the studies. Praise the Lord!

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

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