Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23 Praise Reports & Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.   

Praise Reports: 

-Praise the Lord: we had children at church for the first time and it went quite well as they remembered us and how much they are loved.

-Praise the Lord: the bank account for the new church has been accepted and is set up now.

-Praise the Lord: The women's Bible study morning and evening meetings are going extremely. The women are so hungry for the Lord, they've never had anything like this before!!  

-Praise the Lord: for a barbeque we had with a couple who used to be part of Harvest. It was a good time (great craic!) and we now know how better to pray for D and MH. We pray for them to return to fellowship with the Lord - and us, if that be the Lord's will.

Thank you for praying for the following with us: 
- Please keep praying for a complete healing of Rick's feet. There is still pain in the heel which spreads to the the bottoms of the feet when I'm standing for a while or else walking on hard ground. I've been a bit of a stubborn ninny about seeing the doctor about this - but I'm expecting God's touch on me. Wisdom needed, perhaps?

- It's getting better, but my (Rick's) arm is a bit swollen after being stung by wasps and brushing against stinging nettles. Yes, I'm taking an antihistamine, but I'd like prayers for a speedy healing nonetheless... it's quite itchy. 

- Please continue to pray for the completion of the church website - and for the last things necessary to be a registered charity in Northern Ireland. We were able to get calvarybraidvalley.org domain name and are now setting up the site.

- Pray that we will get affiliated with Calvary Chapel Association quickly

- Pray that we will remain sensitive to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit.

- We pray that the Lord shows us where He wants us to be, what strategies to make and for Him to open doors.

- Pray also that the Holy Spirit will move in and through the worship.

-We still pray for a worship leader (although worship is working out OK right now by using 'canned' music) as well as for the rest of a team - children and youth workers, to be developed now so that we will be prepared for what the Lord might bring us.       

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston                   

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