Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 4 - Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praise the Lord - For the salvation of Bradley! I prayed with him Sunday to receive the Lord
- Praise the the Lord - The Independance Day BBQ was a good day. About 40 people came and were well fed by our American stle BBQ and all heard a wee talk on freedom - in Christ! 
- Praise the Lord - The intensity of the spiritual attacks have eased and we have had some good night's rest. But you can still pray for us to endure and overcome the enemy's attack.
- Praise the Lord - William had his best day ever at work last Thursday after some intensive prayer after Bible study Wednesday night
- Praise the Lord - Leslie's missions trip to Haiti was intense but successful. However, now the she has returned to the US, she has gotten sick (see below)

Pray for Bradley, Harry and Nigel that they will have stong walks in the Lord and steady growth in Him 
- Pray that the freedom we have in Christ will lead some who feel that they are defeated to become courageous warriors in the Spirit.
- Pray that Leslie, who has some "medical issues" upon her return from Haiti and that the anti-biotics will be doing their job.
- Pray for Aidan as he is released from prison this week. The Lord has moved mightily in his life whilst he was in, but now we pray (and he wants to) that he will continue on the path of righteousness and not return to the influences of friends who led him astray. Same thing also for Bradley (that he won't be tempted to return.
Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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