Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26 Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praise the Lord - Cindy and I had an nice time away last week
- Praise the Lord - We are blessed this week to be part of the prayer team for Spark - an area-wide youth outreach

- Praise the Lord - It was an annointed worship service last Sunday as the Holy Spirit did indeed empower and guide the day
- Praise the Lord, William had a great week at work returning after the holiday.


- Pray for Christine who was attacked by a hammer to the back of her knee a year ago. She was scheduled for another corrective surgery this week, but it was cancelled at the last minute. She is understandably nervous about it and we pray for peace in her mind and a 100% successful operation when it occurs.
- Pray for Don who was in a car accident caused by his having a heart attack and blacking out.  He requires delicate neck surgery and heart surgery. Pray for all his medical needs, but most importantly for his salvation.

- Pray for the Spark outreach into town that the Lord would "spark" a deeper walk  with Him in the youth's lives and that long-lasting fruit would remain in the town from their efforts this week

Pray for us as we plan to start a new Bible study for the new believers going over the basics. Pray that those who are curious about Christianity would also attend.

- Pray for us as we have been given a another break away next week, that we would be totally refreshed and come back raring to go!!

- Pray for Bradley, that the Lord will protect him from the influences of this world, especially that the enemy would be kept at bay and he would overcome feelings of shame and disgrace.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

Monday, July 10, 2017

July 11 Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praise the Lord - CBV blessed Bradley with his own bible this Sunday.  He is doing well, and is growing in his faith.
- Praise the Lord - We enjoyed a good morning at a 4th of July breakfast at Mooreland Close.  Praise the Lord for continued open doors to minister there.
- Praise the Lord - Joyful Heart Women's ministry hosted a DVD & Dessert fellowship.  The ladies, who are on break for summer enjoyed a great evening together!
-Praise the Lord - Bradley's relationship with his mum is being restored!!  She's 'over the moon' that he's born again! Thank you Jesus!!
- Praise the Lord - Rick was blessed with a ocean fishing trip.  It was great fellowship and a good catch!!
- Praise the Lord - Heather obeyed the Lord in a major decision in her life, and the Lord has blessed her abundantly for it! Her ME has calmed down signaficantly!  Jesus is so faithful!!

- Pray for Bradley, that the Lord will protect him from the influences of this world, especially that the enemy would be kept at bay.
Pray for us as we plan to start a new Bible study for the new believers going over the basics. Pray that those who are curious about Christianity would also attend.
- Pray for us, along with Jan, as we are going away next week (M-F) for a time of R&R. That we'll come home refreshed and well rested!
Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 4 - Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praise the Lord - For the salvation of Bradley! I prayed with him Sunday to receive the Lord
- Praise the the Lord - The Independance Day BBQ was a good day. About 40 people came and were well fed by our American stle BBQ and all heard a wee talk on freedom - in Christ! 
- Praise the Lord - The intensity of the spiritual attacks have eased and we have had some good night's rest. But you can still pray for us to endure and overcome the enemy's attack.
- Praise the Lord - William had his best day ever at work last Thursday after some intensive prayer after Bible study Wednesday night
- Praise the Lord - Leslie's missions trip to Haiti was intense but successful. However, now the she has returned to the US, she has gotten sick (see below)

Pray for Bradley, Harry and Nigel that they will have stong walks in the Lord and steady growth in Him 
- Pray that the freedom we have in Christ will lead some who feel that they are defeated to become courageous warriors in the Spirit.
- Pray that Leslie, who has some "medical issues" upon her return from Haiti and that the anti-biotics will be doing their job.
- Pray for Aidan as he is released from prison this week. The Lord has moved mightily in his life whilst he was in, but now we pray (and he wants to) that he will continue on the path of righteousness and not return to the influences of friends who led him astray. Same thing also for Bradley (that he won't be tempted to return.
Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston