Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 1 Praises & Prayer Requests


- Praise the Lord - Harry accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour at church Sunday morning!!!
- Praise the Lord - Leslie had the cyst removed 5 weeks ago. The Dr. said it was a deep one but that he got it all. There was no hidden Cancer in the deep tissues either. Waiting for some of the swelling to go down & she'll be good.
- Praise the Lord - Jacob's week at school went great!
- Praise the Lord - Cindy was able to organize a meeting with a few pastor's wives this week to have a time of fellowship and prayer with one another. It was a great time of encouragement - so we've arranged to meet monthly for now.  The Lord is so good!
- Praise the Lord - After 7 1/2 years The Lord is closing the door. of ministering once a month at Mooreland Close, a retirement community   BUT GOD... is opening a new door at a retirement community here in our village, 'Mill Brae Fold' - pray for guidance and wisdom


- Pray for D, a worship leader with severe tinnitus in both of her ears.  It is causing her a lot of discomfort and has kept her from being able to lead worship. 
- Pray for Pam who suffers from fibromyalgia and this has kept her from being able to  participate in many things. Also, her husband Rob is now dealing with back and neck issues. Both need healing!
- Pray for Gail, she has some major decisions to make, she is seeking the Lord, which is great! She needs to return fully to her first love and put Jesus as the center of all, praise the Lord she's heading that direction.  
-Pray as a new door is opening at Mill Brae Fold, that CBV will embrace this as 'their' ministry - as a church family, not something for just one or two people.  It'll be a blessing to see the church 'doing' what they're 'learning'.
- For our dear friend Cheryl in California who is undergoing radiation therapy for breast cancer

Thank you for your faithful prayer support 
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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