Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 7 - Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:

- Praise the Lord - The "Amazing Jesus" lesson in the classroom of our local primary school got off to an unusual start, with a great time of bonding with the students. We had to reschedule our meetings.

- Praise the Lord - The training Cindy led for the Tres Dias weekend coming up went excellently.

- Praise the Lord - The recent elections in Northern Ireland did not go as well as we had hoped, but the Lord's will be done. We have had some amazing prayer experiences - praying locally with voters and candidates seeking the Lord before the vote as well as prayer in Stormont itself, the house of government.

Please pray for the following with us:
- Pray with us for Heather in our church who is seeking the Lord's will and wisdom on changing her "Thrive" meeting times and purpose as she is seeking a change from a home meeting to an outreach to the community.

- Pray for the Amazing Jesus lessons at our local primary school, which we will be doing on the last 3 Wednesdays of March. That the students will be open to the gospel as it is shared in the classroom.

- Pray for fruit from the Ireland 4 Jesus crusade that will be coming through Ballymena the last week of May. That we will as a church prepare for new converts to come to CBV and the members will accept and actively help disciple them. 

- Pray for success for Rick as I take on the leadership role over stewards and counselors for the Ireland 4 Jesus crusade.

- Pray for Cindy as she prepares for the upcoming Tres Dias weekend 'retreat'

- Keep praying for Mike: 1) his body is attacking the liver with an auto-immune deficiency and 2) blood vessels in the esophogus are exposed and thinned and any rupture would be extremely serious.
- Pray for Leslie in California who will now have the benign cyst on her face removed. The area is near nerve endings.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support   God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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