Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 22 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord -  The prison ministry that Rick was part of ended well with all the participants being touched deeply by the love of the Lord that was in evidence.
- Praise the Lord - We had a great birthday party surprize for Cindy. She was really blessed by it.
- Praise the Lord - The Healing on the Streets training and practice was super well attended and the Lord healed some folks in the town. Twelve different churches were involved!
- Praise the Lord - For Nigel who attended church this past Sunday. It happened to really hit home for a situation he is facing. He is close to accepting salvation.
Please pray for the following with us:
- Pray with us against the spiritual attack of depression and apathy that has hit a lot of our folks.
- We are still waiting for our receive our Permanent Residency documentation to come in the post - it will be so nice to have this in hand!
- Pray for Maggie's family as they need to decide on a care home for her mom who has Alzheimer's to be placed in. Please pray that all involved would have peace and no guilt with this very tough decision.
- Pray that Ruth will gain physical, mental and especially emotional strength. She is in a tough spot right now. We're also praying that she can get another job that will allow her Sunday's to be free to be able to attend fellowship.
- Pray for the Lord to help Linsey deal with her two children. Her son, aged 9, has been particularly rebellious and difficult for her to deal with at times lately.
- Please pray for Gail who is struggling with a crisis of faith, that she will re-dedicate her heart to the Lord.
- Jo Anne has has a pretty serious relapse of symptoms of MS. We are praying for her to be healed and gain strength and stamina for day-to-day life.
- Please pray that the unity of the body of Christ in Ballymena will continue to grow as we work together on outreach and other projects, breaking down denominational barriers.and living a witness "Without Walls".
Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

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