Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 30 - Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord -  Our wee Ruth has just gotten a new job which will allow her to attend Sunday services! She is also emerging from the mental and emotional weakness she was facing.
- Praise the Lord - The spiritual attack of apathy seems to be lessoning.
- Praise the Lord - Heather is being healed of M.E./chronic fatigue and the pain that was related to it.

 Please pray for the following with us:
- Pray for our friend Stephen's Aunt Isabel who suffered a major stroke a few days ago
- We are still waiting for our receive our Permanent Residency documentation to come in the post - it will be so nice to have this in hand!
- Pray that the holidays will afford open doors to witness the wonder of God our Saviour.
- Pray for Maggie's family as they need to decide on a care home for her mom to be placed in. She has Alheimer's and is living with the family at present. Please pray that all involved would have peace and no guilt with this very tough decision.
- Pray for the Lord to help Linsey deal with her two children. Her son, aged 9, has been particularly rebellious and it's been difficult for her to deal with lately.

- Please pray that the unity of the body of Christ in Ballymena will continue to grow as we work together on outreach and other projects, breaking down denominational barriers.and living a witness of working together without walls.
Thank you for your faithful prayer support   God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 22 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord -  The prison ministry that Rick was part of ended well with all the participants being touched deeply by the love of the Lord that was in evidence.
- Praise the Lord - We had a great birthday party surprize for Cindy. She was really blessed by it.
- Praise the Lord - The Healing on the Streets training and practice was super well attended and the Lord healed some folks in the town. Twelve different churches were involved!
- Praise the Lord - For Nigel who attended church this past Sunday. It happened to really hit home for a situation he is facing. He is close to accepting salvation.
Please pray for the following with us:
- Pray with us against the spiritual attack of depression and apathy that has hit a lot of our folks.
- We are still waiting for our receive our Permanent Residency documentation to come in the post - it will be so nice to have this in hand!
- Pray for Maggie's family as they need to decide on a care home for her mom who has Alzheimer's to be placed in. Please pray that all involved would have peace and no guilt with this very tough decision.
- Pray that Ruth will gain physical, mental and especially emotional strength. She is in a tough spot right now. We're also praying that she can get another job that will allow her Sunday's to be free to be able to attend fellowship.
- Pray for the Lord to help Linsey deal with her two children. Her son, aged 9, has been particularly rebellious and difficult for her to deal with at times lately.
- Please pray for Gail who is struggling with a crisis of faith, that she will re-dedicate her heart to the Lord.
- Jo Anne has has a pretty serious relapse of symptoms of MS. We are praying for her to be healed and gain strength and stamina for day-to-day life.
- Please pray that the unity of the body of Christ in Ballymena will continue to grow as we work together on outreach and other projects, breaking down denominational barriers.and living a witness "Without Walls".
Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston