Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
-Praise the Lord -  Tim and Hazel had a beautiful wedding that both Cindy and I were able to attend.
- Praise the Lord - The first ladies studies of the Autumn were the same day as the wedding and the gals rose to the occasion to begin it and lead it without Cindy there.
- Praise the Lord - We had a great meal and time of fellowship with Jo Anne and saw that her anxiety is much less now.
- Praise the Lord - We had a God-ordained visit with one of our church members that really encouraged her in the Lord.
Please pray for the following with us:
- Pray for the Lord to bring more men to our wee church
- We also are asking the Lord to bring a healthy married couple or two to the fellowship as well. 
- Please pray that more women will sign up for the Joyful Heart book study. There are still 5 or 6 books available and we are believing the Lord for 25 women in all to participate or follow along in the book.
- We pray that the documents needed for our application for permanent residency will be supplied quickly and efficiently and we will be accepted without any questions or obstacles when we do apply.
- Please pray for Rick's uncle in America, Del, who had complications from extensive heart surgery. He is in rehab/nursing care in Seattle. He and my aunt are strong believers.
- Please pray with us for a woman in the fellowship who confided that her belief in God is waivering as she would like to see His supernatural touch.
- Pray that Ruth will gain physical, mental and especially emotional strength
- Pray for Linda and Kim as they are they continue preparing for their trip to visit us, they'll be here for our retreat which is such a blessing to us all.
- Pray for the Lord to help us in the plans we are making for the CBV retreat next month.
Thank you for your faithful prayer support   
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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