Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
-Praise the Lord - Rick's message at the evening service at St Patricks Church of Ireland was very, very well received!
- Praise the Lord - We had a visit from Jessie Quintana, the missions coordinator from our sending church that greatly encouraged us as well as the body here
- Praise the Lord - Many folks turned out for the meet and greet barbeque for Jessie Sunday afternoon. And we had just enough food!
- Praise the Lord - Gail has received a job offer for a full time position and Jo Anne as well has accepted a good job offer.
- Praise the Lord - Many of the physical illnesses that hit those around us have been healed
- Praise the Lord - Trisha was greatly encouraged as she shared her testimony last night at Refuge Recovery group,
Please pray for the following with us:
- Please pray for Cindy and me to retain the facts we are studying for in preparation of taking the "Life in the UK" test. We need to pass it to obtain permanent residency/citizenship.
- Pray that the 2 week mission trip to Uganda and Congo that Jonathan leaves for on the 1st of June will be fruitful and they they will be kept safe from harm and sickness
- Please pray for Ruth to receive the correct job that the Lord has for her.
- Pray for the Lord to touch the body and heart of our friend Benjamin in Scotland. He was going to go to the conference in York, but illness has prevented him from going and then the devil was putting him in condemnation for not going.
- Pray for Pastor Louie in California that the blood clot in his leg will disolve safely so the swelling and pain may be eased.
- We pray that the Pastor and Leaders Conference in York next week will be a time of refreshment, renual, encouragement and will reveal open doors the Lord might have for us.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support   God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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