Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
-Praise the Lord - Rick's message at the evening service at St Patricks Church of Ireland was very, very well received!
- Praise the Lord - We had a visit from Jessie Quintana, the missions coordinator from our sending church that greatly encouraged us as well as the body here
- Praise the Lord - Many folks turned out for the meet and greet barbeque for Jessie Sunday afternoon. And we had just enough food!
- Praise the Lord - Gail has received a job offer for a full time position and Jo Anne as well has accepted a good job offer.
- Praise the Lord - Many of the physical illnesses that hit those around us have been healed
- Praise the Lord - Trisha was greatly encouraged as she shared her testimony last night at Refuge Recovery group,
Please pray for the following with us:
- Please pray for Cindy and me to retain the facts we are studying for in preparation of taking the "Life in the UK" test. We need to pass it to obtain permanent residency/citizenship.
- Pray that the 2 week mission trip to Uganda and Congo that Jonathan leaves for on the 1st of June will be fruitful and they they will be kept safe from harm and sickness
- Please pray for Ruth to receive the correct job that the Lord has for her.
- Pray for the Lord to touch the body and heart of our friend Benjamin in Scotland. He was going to go to the conference in York, but illness has prevented him from going and then the devil was putting him in condemnation for not going.
- Pray for Pastor Louie in California that the blood clot in his leg will disolve safely so the swelling and pain may be eased.
- We pray that the Pastor and Leaders Conference in York next week will be a time of refreshment, renual, encouragement and will reveal open doors the Lord might have for us.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support   God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 24 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord - Our first two weeks of meeting in Broughshane House have gone very well. There is a great bit of enthusiasm and encouragement among the folk.
- Praise the Lord - Our niece Katie's visit was a lot of fun and she got to see true Christianity in action.
- Praise the Lord - Rick's message at an evening service at St Patrick's Church of Ireland went over very well. I received a ton of positive feedback.
- Praise the Lord - The last Scripture Union message has been given and all the children received the message eagerly, it seems.
- Praise the Lord - Bill in California, who had the stroke, is about back to normal.
Please pray for the following with us:

- Please pray for Cindy and me to retain the facts we are studying for in preparation of taking the "Life in the UK" test. We need to pass it to obtain permanent residency/citizenship.
- Pray that the spiritual attacks that have come in the form of physical infirmities will be overcome by God's healing power. (For greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world)
- Please pray for Jo Anne, Ruth and Gail to receive the correct jobs that the Lord has in store for them.
- Pray that the Lord will keep us in good physical, emotional and mental health. (He has been answering this prayer - so keep up the good work!!)
- Keep praying for the salvation of Leanda and Nigel and now Adrian. 
- Pray for wisdom for Benjamin, a man in the north of Scotland who is seeking the Lord how he may be used by Him for Christian service, perhaps in Ballymena
Thank you for your faithful prayer support   
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 5 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord: - This will be the last Sunday morning meeting in the home as new facilities has been agreed upon. 
- Praise the Lord - Jan has returned to work, she's doing so much better - She thanks you all for your prayers.
- Praise the Lord - Bill in California has seen great improvement in his thought process! Keep praying for him, though.
- Praise the Lord - Sheila, who had that bad fall has died, but she has gone home to be with the Lord forever. 

Please pray for the following with us:
- Pray for CBV as we begin meeting in Broughshane House. That there will be a smooth transition and no glitches with electronics - sound, video etc. 
- Please pray for Cindy and me to retain the facts we are studying for in preparation of taking the "Life in the UK" test. We need to pass it to obtain permanent residency/citizenship.
- Pray that our niece Katie, who will be staying with us for two weeks this month and arriving next week, will have an open heart for the Lord. She has accepted the Lord, but is not walking with Him.
- Keep praying for Bill, our friend and brother in California who was in extreme mental confusion and suffering delusions apparently from the result of a minor stroke.
- Pray that the Lord will keep us in good physical, emotional and mental health.
- Rick will be teaching on "Walking in Faith" at an evening service at St. Patrick's Church of Ireland (Anglican) in Ballymena, Sunday 22 May.   Pray the Lord will speak powerfully to the hearts of those in attendance.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support   God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston