Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 30 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:

- Praise the Lord: - Linsey received the Lord into her heart last Thursday night!

- Praise the Lord - The Lord's hand of blessing was indeed on all of the Easter weekend events.

- Praise the Lord - The Sunday morning Easter service was very well attended and the powerful and meaningful message was well received. 

- Praise the Lord - Jan's recovery is going extremely well.

- Praise the Lord - Some of the church had a great day out with a walk in a forest on "Better Saturday." Joining us was a friend, Nigel, who needs prayer for salvation. 

Please pray for the following with us:

- Pray for Bill, our friend and brother in California who suffered another minor stroke but had some major mental confusion following it.

- Please remember another friend and brother in California, Rex, who lost his job this week. He has been suffering from effects of clinical depression, too.

- Pray that the Lord will lead us to the facilities for meeting Sunday mornings, or even throughout the week, that are according to His will.

- Pray that the Lord will continue to inspire the plans for the church to do during the year that they may keep us at His purposes.

- Please pray for Ruth to be successful in her application for a new job and for Jo Anne to get a replacement job quickly.

- Pray for the women's "Tres Dias" weekend retreat coming up in April that the Lord will deepen the relationship with Him for all those who will be attending 

- Pray for Jan, who is recovering from major surgery

Thank you for your faithful prayer support   
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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