Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Febuary 3 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord: - the new manager of Mooreland Close, Alison, IS a godly person   that we will keep our good and active relationship with the Close.
- Praise the Lord - Alison is keen to have us continue working with Mooreland Close, and to expand it!
- Praise the Lord - Our friend Debbie is doing wonderful in her recovery, and has been declared cancer free!!
- Praise the Lord - Noel happily accepted a Bible that was given to him from our church, and planned to read it right away.
- Praise the Lord - Although Jeff's tumor was not benign, it was the same type of cancer as before, so there was no harmful changes to the type of cancer.  
Thank you for praying for the following with us:
- Please continue your prayers for Sandra, who has been in intensive care in a hospital in Ireland since the end of September 2015. This week she was transferred to Galway, Ireland to have a procedure done this morning to remove plaque/clots built up in her right lung.  Pray that the doctors will determine the cause of the bleeding which almost took her life twice.
- Also pray that the Lord will heal her with damaged kidneys &  the other things necessary for her to be able to be airlifted back to Australia.
- Continue praying for Noel, her partner that opportunities will continue to share the gospel as a friendship relationship built. Noel told us yesterday that he has been praying to the Lord for His help!
- Pray for Noel and Sandra for salvation.
- Pray for Jo Anne who was rushed to emergency last night with numbness and drooping in her face muscles. Two and a half hours later she was released when most of the symptoms subsided
- Beginning February 22nd & 23rd, we will be taking "Amazing Jesus" lessons into the local primary school classroom for three weeks. Please pray for the children to be open to the message of "Jesus, who is God's Son."

Thank you for your faithful prayer support   God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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