Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November 17 Praises & Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week. 

Praise Reports:

- Praise the Lord: - The men's Kairos outreach at Maghaberry Prison went extremely well, bearing much fruit. Two or three made commitments to follow the Lord and all who attended were strengthened in faith.

- Praise the Lord: The table quiz, a fund raiser to help towards our visa costs, was a great success!  We raised £655 ($1015)! Thank you Jesus for the support we're receiving from so many here.
- Praise the Lord - Everyone in the church has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit!!

- Praise the Lord -  The women in the study group is showing amazing growth in their faith and trust in Jesus - truly applying what we're all learning about letting go of the fears that hold us.

Praise the Lord - The whole church helped with the audio recording for the Youth's puppet show...it was great for the adults to support and spend time with youth group.

Thank you for praying for the following with us

- Please lift up a couple, Gary & Carli Betts from Colorado, who are coming for a week (Nov 23-28) to Ireland to catch the Lord direction them regarding mission work here.  They'll be visiting the Republic of Ireland and then coming up to us in Northern Ireland. Pray that during their time here the Lord speaks to them, clarifying the call and plan He has for them and their three young daughters.

- Pray for the youth that 1) practice the next 2 weeks for the puppet show will go smoothly as they follow the recorded vocal track and 2) that they and the youth at Crocus will get spiritual fruit from it.

- Pray for the salvation of Leanda and Lynsey from the women's study. (Lynsey is close!)

- Please pray that the ladies of the Bible study continue to take to heart what they are learning.

- We pray for Pat who must retire on Nov 27, from managing Mooreland Close due to MS: 1) that her financial and emotional needs will be met and 2) that the next manager at Mooreland Close to be another godly person so that the people there will continue to be well taken care of and we will keep our good relationship with the Close.

- Three week furlough/Missions Conference in California, December through January

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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