Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 17 Praise Reports & Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  

Praise Reports:

- Praise the Lord: The York Pastors/Leaders Conference was a total blessing.  Tim and Jan from church both joined us; we were all encouraged in the Lord.
- Praise the Lord: We're beginning to see a change in a couple of our youths - the Lord is Faithful! They had a good interest in this past week's devotion with them.
- Praise the Lord: We also had a pleasant time visiting with Pearl, Maggie's mum

- Praise the Lord: Those who wanted to continue a recovery ministry in Ballymena met yesterday to seek the Lord in unified prayer to gain understanding of the Lord's direction. There was a good spirit about the group

Thank you for praying for the following with us:

- Inverness Bible Fellowship (IBF), the actual sponsor of the visas, will continue to sponsor visas until March 2016. Pray that they will remain faithful to the task.
- This means we will have to find another sponsor as we require a visa through May of 2017. (We can apply for permanent residence in April 2016)

- Pray for Pastor Leo and Cheryl Rose of Inverness Bible Fellowship who are now returning to the U.S. in a couple of weeks
- We are still praying for the Lord to show His will and direct us to His plan for the future direction of a recovery ministry in Ballymena

- For the Lord to increase attendance at CBV as He sees fit (and to provide more men).

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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