Monday, January 19, 2015

January 19 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  

Praise Reports:
-Praise the Lord: The advertising of the pastor's position, as required for the visa process, has been placed.

-Praise the Lord: The puppet practices have been a fun and a blessed time, the youth are ready to do their performance this Friday night for Crocus

-Praise the Lord: The Charity Commission workshop I went to was a great help in answering many questions I had of the requirements for applying for charitable status for CBV.

-Praise the Lord:  Our restarted home Bible study went well as we began studying the Book of Acts

Thank you for praying for the following with us:
- Pray for all the processes we need to do for in the preparation for the submission of our visa.

- Pray for a wee boy, Martin, 13 yrs old, who had a routine surgical procedure 4 weeks ago,but  when they operated he was found to have several cancerous tumors around his bowels.  Please pray for his healing and his family (his father is a pastor) as they come to grips with this tough situation.

- Keep praying for Leo and Cheryl R. in Inverness Scotland whose application for permanent residency was turned down by the UK authorities. Their tribunal court appeal has been rescheduled for February 24. 

- Puppet show (with the youth) for Crocus, a special needs youth club this Friday, Jan 23.

- Pray for Rick's hair-cutter, Jacqueline K., a believer, who has had the early stages of breast cancer diagnosed; we pray for complete healing.  Her salon is currently closed due to her illness, we haven't been able to find out any specifics, once we do we'll let you know.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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