Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.   

Praise Reports: 

-Praise the Lord: for Gail accepting the Lord last week!
-Praise the Lord: Rick's feet are even better this week
-Praise the Lord: for Cindy not getting sick
-Praise the Lord: for Jan's sister Angela who attended the monthly community prayer of blessing for Ballymena with us.

Thank you for praying for the following with us: 

- Please keep praying for a complete healing of Rick's feet.

-  Please continue to pray for the completion of the church website - and for the last things necessary to be a registered charity in Northern Ireland. We were able to get calvarybraidvalley.org  domain name and are now setting up the site.  But it has been a cause of humbling for me as I have been attempting to do it myself and getting frustrated.

- Pray that we will get affiliated with Calvary Chapel Association quickly

- Pray that we will remain sensitive to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit.

- Pray for Rick's involvement with Kairos, a prison ministry, with which he goes in once a month. In particular, please pray for a 4-day outreach inside Maghaberry Prison that will be next week.

- Pray for Rick's hair-cutter, Jacqueline Kennedy, who is a believer and recently had the early stages of breast cancer diagnosed and has begun treatment. Please pray for a complete healing.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

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