Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 9 Prayer Requests

Thank you for praying for the following with us: 

- Please pray that our latest UK visa applications will be processed quickly and efficiently.  (We have had to get new visas extensions through CC York, England as our sponsor in the UK, do to the dissolving of Harvest here in Northern Ireland)
-There is a whole new set of needs and focus for our prayers with the new work. We are calling it "Calvary Braid Valley," (CBV).
-Pray that we will be sensitive to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit. I so much want CBV to be a work of God and not of man, so we diligently want the Lord to guide us and not be "leaning on our own understanding," but be letting the Lord show us the places to be and strategies to make.
-Pray that we will get an effective and cost-effective website - and for the other practical needs of beginning a new church plant, such as getting a bank account and doing all the things necessary to be a registered charity in Northern Ireland.     
-Pray for our youth - B, K and J that they would continue to enjoy fellowship together, but that the Lord would show us how to effectively bring Jesus to their day to day lives and that they would be serious about their relationships with the Lord.
-Pray also for a weekly meeting with the men from Celebrate Recovery that Rick is leading on Thursday nights here in Ballymena.

Thank you for your prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston                                                    

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