Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10 Prayer Requests

Thank you for praying for the following with us:   

 -We pray that as the Lord directs us for the future of Harvest, we will be sensitive to His leading so that it will be a work of God and not of man.

 -Pray also that in the month of June, something will change to show that this is a viable work of God either for Him to change the hearts of the former leadership team or to bring some new people who are committed to Harvest (or both!).

 -Pray that we will not succumb to feelings of anxiety or worry, but that we would truly cast our cares on him who cares for us.

 -Pray for our involvement in Celebrate Recovery in Ballymena. Our heart goes out toward the broken and outcast, so pray that the Lord will lead us into relationships with many 'lost souls'.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

 -We are also seeking the Lord about a weekly meeting with the men from CR during the summer, perhaps in Belfast.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

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