Boy oh boy is there a lot of stuff to do to get ready for the BIG MOVE. But the Lord is getting things together as we hide ourselves in Him. Creating this blog was but one thing on our list of many things to do.
Stay tuned as we update this blog with the adventures and hurdles that come our way as God moves us to Northern Ireland.
I'll soon have a Quote on shipping cost for your move from my friend at Mapcargo a world wide shipping company. GBY Larry zoch
Look forward to regular updates to our Blog Spot as Pastor Rick and Cindy get closer and closer to leaving in March!
For donation information please log on to GO! Ministries website at and enter in account #1240 for Pastor Rick and Cindy Johnston's account. Thanks and God Bless!
It’s getting close to the time we are to go to Northern Ireland and things are getting in order. We began packing up the house, going through household items to choose what we need to sell and decide what to keep. Since electricity in the UK is a different voltage from the US most everything that plugs into an outlet will have to go! We’re planning a couple of huge yard sales to 1) try and sell all that we can’t use and 2) try to raise more funds.
Speaking of funds, it is coming down to the wire for raising needed money as well as determining monthly support. To be honest, we have received very few pledges of committed support up to now (maybe 10% of our monthly support). It is very humbling, to ask for help, as well as to realize that the Lord takes us through trials of faith. “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what the LORD requires of you but to…walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 says.
So it is with humility that we are walking with our God as He takes us through this path. Also, “without faith, it is impossible to please God…for He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” So our faith is deepening as we learn to trust the Lord in sincere ways and rest in Him. On a personal note, the Lord did a work in us concerning trust at the Missions’ Conference. He confronted us as to whether we have 100% trust for each other and for Him. It was very liberating to face the notions of trust with such honesty.
Now, we humble ourselves before you and ask you to join us in our venture of faith. Will you please pray to our trustworthy God on our behalf? We ask Him to meet our needs and by joining us in prayer/support; you can join in the benefits of the fruit that will come from faith. Also, if the Lord is putting upon your heart a desire to help us financially, would you contact GO! Ministries, as well as forwarding to us the sponsorship form attached to this newsletter.
God is good and gracious; powerful and faithful. He could do the work of ministry himself, but He chooses to use simple people like you and us. Another thing we learned at the Missions’ Conference is that “senders” have an equal reward in the work of God as those who are sent. We know God has fruit in store for our ministry in Northern Ireland, and if you are a sender that same fruit will be deposited in your heavenly account too!
We are so excited to see how the Lord is going to “pull this one off”!! In our next newsletter be ready to see how it comes about. So our story is to be continued…
~~~2009 Started with a Great Blessing!~~~
We were so blessed to have attended the CC Missions Conference Jan 5-8 in Murrieta – What an amazing time in the Lord. We got to spend time with Pastor Louie, his wife Lindsay and some of the GO! Ministries staff, Linda, Gracie – how truly blessed we are. This ministry is so excited to be serving the Lord with the service they are providing us and many other missionaries all around the world…thank you Lord for leading us there.
We met so many people that are going, praying about going or are in Ireland or the UK. Many we will be meeting up with once we are in NI. It’s such a small world when Jesus makes his divine appointments. Speaking of divine appointments Rick ran into Brian Curwood at the Conference. If you remember back on his first trip to Ireland in 2003, the team stayed in Galway with the Curwood family! They are back here in the States for now…but what a blessing for Cindy to finally meet him along with their eldest daughter, Rhianan.
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