Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24 - Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:

- Praise the Lord - Jacob, the 8 year old, is doing GREAT in school! For the last two weeks of school he hasn't needed his mum in the class with him. His parents wanted to thank each of you for your faithful prayers!

- Praise the Lord - The doctors have determined that Rhonda's eye problems are caused by 'silent migraines' 
- Praise the Lord - For an amazing Easter Sunday - We attended a sunrise service at the foot of Slemish mountain, met back at church to have breakfast together, and had a very inspirational Easter service. 

- Praise the Lord - Pastor Mike in Warrington is doing quite a bit better and has much more energy. But we don't want to stop praying for complete healing.

Please pray for the following with us:

- Jacob's mum asks for prayer that when he returns to school this week after the Easter break, that he will not fall back into the habit of fear as before.

- Pray for our friend Rhonda, a believer, that the Lord will heal her from the silent migraines which come from stress and have been causing the temporary blindness. Rhonda trusts the Lord, and most likely needs to change her activities to lessen the amount of stress she's under. 

- Keep praying for Mike 1) his body is attacking the liver with an auto-immune deficiency and 2) blood vessels in the esophagus are exposed and thinned and any rupture would be extremely serious.

- The church has expanded a ministry started by Heather called "Thrive" which reaches out to people who are lonely, hurting and facing dependencies and other needs. Please pray that people will find freedom and strength through what the Lord can do through it so they will 'thrive' in their faith! 

- Pray for us to have wisdom regarding the amount of projects and outreaches the church is involved with. We just came through a very busy few weeks and realise we might be overdoing it. We don't want any of our folk to burn out (or us either).

- Continue to pray for Linsey's daughter E (12) who broke her shoulder

- Pray with us for the Lord to comfort and strengthen Sandra who has lost an emotionally close member of her household this past week

- Pray for fruit from the Ireland 4 Jesus crusade that will be coming through Ballymena the last week of May. That we will as a church prepare for new converts to come to CBV and the members will accept and actively help disciple them. 

- Pray for restoration to full health for Daniel, 2 & a half years old and salvation for Duncan, both in Scotland 

- Pray for success for Rick as I take on the leadership role over stewards (ushers) and counselors for the Ireland 4 Jesus crusade.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11 - Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord - the Amazing Jesus lessons in the P5 (4th
grade eqivalent in the US) classroom  went well despite the unsettledness in the children. They understood the message

- Praise the Lord - The women's Tres Dias weekend came off really well, despite last minute illnesses that forced two team members to drop. There was a lot of laughter and deep renewal of faith in the 'guests.'

- Praise the Lord -
The monthly prison visit to Maghaberry still continues as we are allowed to meet despite staff shortages at the institution.
- Praise the Lord -  Some new folks are making CBV their home church!

Please pray for the following with us:
- Pray for our friend Rhonda, a believer, who has had TIA's (mini strokes) in the eyes causing temporary blindness, especially that doctors can determine the root cause of the condition.
- Pray for Naomi (mid-30's and a mother of seven) who has been put on beta-blockers to slow her heartbeat and avoid heart spasms and racing heartbeats. The side effects are causing  great tiredness.

- Continue to pray for Erin (12) who broke her shoulder

- Pray for fruit from the Ireland 4 Jesus crusade that will be coming through Ballymena the last week of May. That we will as a church prepare for new converts to come to CBV and the members will accept and actively help disciple them. 

- Pray for success for Rick as I take on the leadership role over stewards (ushers) and counselors for the Ireland 4 Jesus crusade.
- Pray for Pastor Michael and his family of four in Norfolk-on-Tyne in England as they apply for permanent leave to remain in the UK.

- Keep praying for Mike in Warrington: 1) his body is attacking the liver with an auto-immune deficiency and 2) blood vessels in the esophogus are exposed and thinned and any rupture would be extremely serious.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support   God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston