Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 29 Praises & Prayer Requests

Praise Reports:

- Praise the Lord: The church has been licensed as a sponsor for visas!! 

- Praise the Lord - The Lord more than answered our prayers for blessing and unity through our church retreat this past weekend. Everyone was renewed in spirit in a significant way with many showing a great freedom and peace of heart.

- Praise the Lord: for Gail's baptism at the retreat.

- Praise the Lord: for Jenny's prayer of re-dedication to the Lord at the retreat. We have many believers renewed in spirit and heart and body because of the weekend.

Thank you for faithfully praying for the following:

- We pray that the momentum that began this weekend at the retreat will be nurtured by the Holy Spirit as they experience the peace of the Lord in their lives.

- Pray with us for Noleen who just had a spot detected on her lung by the doctors.  It will be checked again in March.

- Pray for the salvation of Leanda and Lynsy who are beginning the women's study.

- Pray that Cindy and I will be successful in getting our next visa. It will be a month before we can apply.

- Please pray for the ladies of the Bible study that they will take to heart what they will be learning. Also that the ladies will experience unity with one another and with the Lord as they fellowship together.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Pastor Rick & Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 22 Praises & Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  

Praise Reports:

- Praise the Lord: We have submitted the church's application to be a sponsor for visas and it is now in the hands of the Home Office (and the Lord!).

- Praise the Lord - The women's studies began in earnest and the ladies are excited to see what God is going to do.

- Praise the Lord: Rick had a good meeting in Maghaberry Prison.

- Praise the Lord: The Lord has shown us His will, and that is for us not to be involved if there is a replacement of the Christian recovery ministry. We are already very busy and wisdom dictates us not to overdo it.

Thank you for praying for the following with us

- Please pray with us for a dear friend and brother in California, Bill, who suffered a stroke this past Friday afternoon. In particular, his fine motor skills on his right side are affected, as well as speech and walking.

- Pray that the Lord will move during our first church-wide retreat this weekend and we will draw closer together as a church family and draw closer to the Lord as individuals.

- Pray that CBV will have favour in the government's eye as it applies to the UKVI to be a sponsoring organization.
- Pray for Cindy and I that after CBV becomes a sponsoring organization, we will be successful in getting the next visa that is now required for us.

- Please pray for the ladies of the Bible study that they will apply what they will be learning. Also that the ladies will experience unity with one another and with the Lord as they fellowship together.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Pastor Rick & Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September 15 Praises & Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  

Praise Reports:

- Praise the Lord: A great outreach occurred as we gave vases of flowers with scripture cards attached to 20 women residents of Mooreland Close. They were delighted by the tangible love of Jesus that was shown.

- Praise the Lord - One more lady has begun the women's Bible study in this past week. 

- Praise the Lord: We have made complete progress towards the filing of the church's application to be a sponsor for visas and should be submitting it this week. 

- Praise the Lord: We had our first Annual General Meeting (AGM) this past Sunday and it was actually a joyful and encouraging time!

Thank you for praying for the following with us: 

- Pray for the details of a coffee morning fundraiser for a Christian radio station to quickly come together that we as a church are helping Ruth set up and run in Broughshane.

- Pray that CBV will have favour in the government's eye as it applies to the UKVI to be a sponsoring organization.

- Pray for Cindy and I that after CBV becomes a sponsoring organization, we will be successful in getting the next visa that is now required for us.

- Please pray for the ladies of the Bible study that they will apply what they will be learning. Also that the ladies will experience unity with one another and with the Lord as they fellowship together.

- Pray: regarding our personal financial position, especially that the Lord will raise up some who will be able to regularly contribute monthly to our missionary support.

- Pray that church members keep growing in confidence in the Lord, but we're praising the Lord for the growth that we are seeing!

- Keep praying for Jenny, the woman in our church whose brother recently passed away. We are praying that she will feel the presence of the Lord as he draws near to comfort her. 

Thank you for your faithful prayer support

God bless you,
Pastor Rick & Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 8 - Praises & Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  

Praise Reports:

- Praise the Lord: we will be baptizing up to three people at our church retreat in a few weeks!

- Praise the Lord - For the 16 ladies that have begun the women's Bible studies this past week and the enthusiasm to study and apply God's word.

- Praise the Lord: For the progress we've been able to make towards the filing of the church's application to be a sponsor for visas.

- Praise the Lord: He has been reaffirming his will for us to remain in
 Northern Ireland.    

Thank you for praying for the following with us

- Please pray with us for Jenny, a woman in our church who lost her brother due to a heart attack this Sunday. We are praying that she will feel the Lord draw near and comfort her and that the confusion in the family over funeral arrangements will be settled.

- Pray that the details necessary for CBV to a sponsoring organization for visas will work out quickly and we will have favour in the government's eye when it applies to the UKVI.

- Pray for Cindy and I that after CBV becomes a sponsoring organization, we will be successful in getting the next visa that is now required for us.

- Please pray for the ladies of the Bible study that they will apply what they will be learning. Also that the ladies will experience unity with one another and with the Lord as they fellowship together.

- Pray: regarding our financial position, especially that the Lord will raise up some who will be able to regularly contribute monthly. 

Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Pastor Rick & Cindy Johnston

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September 2 Praises & Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week. 

Praise Reports:
- Praise the Lord: we have been comforted and reassured by the Lord this week as our peace has been under attack.
- Praise the Lord - For answered prayer for a steady job for JoAnne and a job for Ruth.
- Praise the Lord: For spiritual growth we've seen in the folks while we were gone.
- Praise the Lord: There is great excitement for the women's study starting this week. 

Thank you for praying for the following with us:
- Pray: regarding our financial position, especially that the Lord will raise up some who will be able to regularly contribute monthly. 
- Pray that the details necessary for CBV to a sponsoring organization for visas will work out quickly and we will have favour in the government's eye when it applies to UKVI.
- Please pray for the ladies Bible study that will be starting back up this week, that that ladies will experience the power of the word of God in their lives as they apply what they will be learning.
- At the missions conference in Austria we came across many works throughout Europe, but we were especially touched in our hearts toward Ryan Gleason, who, as a child, we used to teach in Children's Church, for the work he has been called to in Kosovo. Pray that he gets support financially and spiritually, learns the Albanian language and effectively reaches the culture for Jesus.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston