Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  
Praise Reports:

-Praise the Lord: For Rick's meeting today with some pastors from Ballymena. They had a good time of fellowship and mutual encouragement for each other.

-Praise the Lord: For the change that is seen in Vanessa since coming to CBV's youth group meetings. 

-Praise the Lord: there was staffing available to be able to have reunion meeting with 8-9 inmates at Maghaberry prison

- Praise the Lord: a senior staff member at the prison has taken responsibility to see that future scheduled ministry events at the prison will be staffed and authorized! 

- Praise the Lord Ruth & Jo Anne are both doing better emotionally and spiritually.

Thank you for praying for the following with us: 
- Pray with us for the Lord to open doors for growth to occur for the church; that relationships would be built with the family members and friends of church members in order for them to be comfortable enough to invite them to join us for church. 

- There is a limited time for Cindy to apply for a Access NI (Northern Ireland Police back ground check) which is required for her involvement with the women's prison ministry side of Karios. We need her passport in order to apply, and all of our documents are with our visa applications, please pray it arrives in time.

- Please pray for Jo Anne, a believer,who just got a temporary part time job, but is still feeling the effects of M.S..  She would still prefer to have a permanent part time position. 

- Pray for Roy, a resident at Maghaberry Prison, that the Holy Spirit will get through to his heart so he can believe in the Lord's transforming power for his life; the new life that only faith can bring about.

- Pray that there will be no hang-ups with our visa application.

- Pray for Rick's hair-cutter, Jacqueline Kennedy, a believer, who has now had 3 surgeries for breast cancer and all cancer was gotten in the last one! She didn't require chemo or radiotherapy (radiation).

- Jacqueline asks if we could pray for her to have strength in her arm, for nausea to settle, a complete healing and wisdom concerning her business.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 17 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  
Praise Reports:
-Praise the Lord: our visa applications have been processed! In less than a week after posting we received the request to get our biometrics, usually the last step before the visa is issued.
-Praise the Lord: Our last lesson about Jesus that we gave in 2 different classes at Broughshane Primary School has been done. We hope to see some of the children around the village now.
-Praise the Lord: the women's Tres Dias weekend went very well. The two young ladies that we sponsored to go caught the spirit of the retreat and were brought closer to the Lord.
- Praise the Lord: the St Patrick's day celebrations at Celebrate Recovery and Mooreland Close were great successes.

 Thank you for praying for the following with us: 
- Please pray for Archie, a wee lad of 14 months who is the son of Jan's niece Alison and requires a hearing aid. Pray that he will improve in hearing as well as gain normal development in speech and walking. While you're at it, could you also pray for Alison herself and her husband Hugh, who are not saved yet.
- Alison thanks you for your prayers. She has seen an improvement in Archie.
- Pray for Ruth, please, that she will not believe the deception from the enemy that she has no worth. For her to deepen her experience of the joy of the Lord.
- Please pray for Jo Anne, a believer, who is struggling with MS, she is currently having a relapse.  She is also needs a permanent, part time job.
- Pray that there will be no hang-ups with our visa application.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.  

Praise Reports:

-Praise the Lord: our visa applications have been sent in for processing. 

-Praise the Lord: Our second of three lessons about Jesus that we give to 2 different classes at Broughshane Primary School went really well. There were good questions from a couple of the children and good interaction with them all.   
-Praise the Lord: we were blessed with £1000 ($1500.00) which was given specifically for us to use on a vacation!  So we're planning to go Vienna, Austria and attend the European Missions Conference in Austria this summer after working at CreationFest!!  
Thank you for praying for the following with us: 
- Please pray for Archie, a wee lad of 14 months who is the son of Jan's niece Alison and requires a hearing aid. Pray that he will improve in hearing as well as gain normal development in speech and walking. While you're at it, could you also pray for Alison herself and her husband Hugh, who are not saved yet.

- Pray for Ruth, please, that she will not believe the deception from the enemy that she has no worth. For her to deepen her experience of the joy of the Lord.

- Please pray for Jo Anne, a believer, who is struggling with MS, she is currently having a relapse.  She is also needs a permanent, part time job.
- Pray that our visa application will go smoothly and quickly through to the UKVI (United Kingdom Visa & Immigration).

- Keep praying for Leo and Cheryl Rose in Inverness Scotland whose application for permanent residency was turned down by the UK authorities. Their tribunal court appeal was February 24 and the judge will make her decision within the next week or so.  

- Upcoming Women's Tres Dias weekend March 12-15,  a 3 day retreat which brings Protestant and Catholic believers together to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord.
Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5 - Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.   

Praise Reports:
-Praise the Lord: For an outstanding weekend of the men's Tres Dias retreat. 
-Praise the Lord: Our first of three lessons about Jesus that we give to 2 different classes at Broughshane Primary School went really well. There were good questions from a couple of the children.              
-Praise the Lord: CBV's first Baking Day was a great success!  We had 10 ladies, 2 who don't know the Lord yet.  We've already received requests to attend for the next one!

Thank you for praying for the following with us:
- Pray for Ruth, please, that she will not believe the deception from the enemy that she has no worth. For her to experience the joy of the Lord again.
- Please pray for Jo Anne, a believer, who is struggling with MS, she is currently having a relapse.  She is also needs a permanent, part time job.
- Pray for Roy, a resident at Maghaberry Prison, that the Holy Spirit will get through to his heart so that he can believe in the Lord's transforming power for his life; the new life that only faith can bring about.
- Pray that when we submit our visa application this coming week that it will be acceptable to the UKVI.
- Keep praying for Leo and Cheryl Rose in Inverness Scotland whose application for permanent residency was turned down by the UK authorities. Their tribunal court appeal was February 24 and the judge will make her decision within 3 weeks. 
- Upcoming Tres Dias Women's weekend Mar 12 -15, this is a 3 day retreat which brings Protestant and Catholic believers together to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord .
Thank you for your faithful prayer support
God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston