Wednesday, November 26, 2014

October / November 2014


 In the photograph above, Mount Slemish can be seen looming over the start of the valley of the River Braid which is to the far left of the view. The Braid River flows past Broughshane and on to Ballymena and gives its name to the area and thus to the name of our church. There are a lot of churches in the area and many good ones. But God has planned one more… our new work, Calvary Braid Valley.

A New Work in the Braid Valley

The land we are living in has seen many works of God over the centuries. It has been said that Saint Patrick, when he was kidnapped as a teen-ager from Britain by Irish pirates, was sold as a slave and forced to herd swine outdoors in the slopes of Mt. Slemish. It was here that the Spirit of God stirred up faith in the young man so desperate for freedom. But it was also here that he saw the native Irish in an equally desperate condition trapped in fear of pagan ignorance of God.

Patrick was miraculously able to escape from his dreaded captors, hoping never to return to that spiritually dark and dreary land. But God called him back, this time of his free will, to bring “good news,” the gospel, to those lost and empty souls – and the rest is history! Now, we don’t presume to be anything like Saint Patrick, except in one way. We are stepping out in faith and above all, obedience to the Lord.

I have been going through the Book of Joshua on Sunday mornings and it has really spoken into our circumstances. I am reminded of the story told in the 3rd chapter when the priests who were carrying the Ark of the Covenant stepped into the Jordan River under the Lord’s direction. They had been told they would cross the river on dry ground, yet when the put their feet in the water – nothing happened!

Yet the Scripture says something did happen: “the water above that point began backing up a great distance away.” As they stepped out in obedience, a miracle occurred, but 15 miles upstream, so they didn’t see the results for some time. As they stayed put in the torrent, their faith & obedience came through as the waters dried up and all the people did pass into the Promised Land on dry ground.

We also have, in effect, stepped into the River Braid at the Lord’s direction and things are moving for us too…by faith! It can be a scary thing to ‘walk by faith, not by sight’ and continue to move on despite outward appearances – but God is faithful, has a plan and won’t let us down. CBV may yet be small, but we’re strong!  

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 25 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.   

Praise Reports: 
-Praise the Lord: Pat from Mooreland Close has been healed of a heart condition by medication.
-Praise the Lord: for John being blessed with Rick at a monthly men's meeting and Bible study.
-Praise the Lord: for Cindy getting over the bad cold that she had this past week and the cough being almost gone.
-Praise the Lord: we submitted our request for charitable status to the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.  (According to their website though, it will be a 2-3 year wait!)

Thank you for praying for the following with us: 

- Pray for Trisha (who was engaged our late son, Daniel) who is struggling with loneliness during this holiday season.

-Pray for John, one of our older youth, who is incredibly busy this holiday season with music recitals as well as his 1st year college work... That he will personally experience the Lord's touch and strength upon his life.

- Pray for Jan and Michael as they are away this evening on vacation for 12 days to Dubai.  Jan asked specifically that she would be able to share the Lord with her unsaved friends there, Mike and Joy.

- Please keep praying for healing of Gail's neck. It is a lot more painful than she let's on. She has an unpronounceable medical condition that stiffens the neck muscles and is actually caused by a stress-related reaction of the brain.

- Pray that we will get affiliated with Calvary Chapel Association quickly (this should happen soon now that I've talked about it with Pastor Dave in York) 

- Please pray for our friend and brother in the Lord, George Ireland from Mooreland Close, as he is now in a nursing home, but is not expected to last much longer. Pray for his dear wife, Muriel, who is with him now in the nursing home. We pray for the Lord's peace and grace to be poured out on them.
Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 18 Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.   

Praise Reports: 
-Praise the Lord: the great time of fellowship we all had last week as we gathered to celebrate Rick's birthday.
-Praise the Lord: the spiritual growth the women are experiencing through their Bible study.
-Praise the Lord: for the pastors being refreshed during the prayer meeting going on right now in York.

Thank you for praying for the following with us: 
Pray for John, one of our older youth, who is incredibly busy this holiday season with music recitals as well as his 1st year college work... That he will personally experience the Lord's touch and strength upon his life.
- Pray for Jan and Michael as they are away this evening on vacation for 10 days to Dubai.  Jan asked specifically that she would be able to share the Lord with her unsaved friends who live there, Mike and Joy.
- Please pray for healing of Gail's neck. It is a lot more painful than she let's on. She has an unpronounceable medical condition that stiffens the neck muscles and is actually caused by a stress-related reaction of the brain.
- Pray for the Lord to work in our youth group. They enjoy meeting together, but there is not much spiritual hunger. Continue to pray for two of our youth: B. who is struggling with her identity in Christ and K. who is doubting her salvation.                                       
- Please pray for our friend and brother in the Lord, George Ireland as he is now in the hospital, not expected to last much longer. Pray for his dear wife, Muriel. We pray for the Lord's peace and grace to be poured out on them.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4 Praise Reports & Prayer Requests

Here are praise reports and prayer requests for this week.   

Praise Reports: 
-Praise the Lord: the chili cook-off was a great success
-Praise the Lord: Gail got some other work!
-Praise the Lord: for the renewed relationship with Ruth and Gareth

Thank you for praying for the following with us: 
- Please keep praying for a complete healing of Rick's feet. (They're about 95% healed!)

- Also please pray for healing of Gail's neck. It is a lot more painful than she let's on. She has an unpronounceable medical condition that stiffens the neck muscles and is actually caused by a stress-related reaction of the brain

-  Please pray for the completion of the church website which should be finalized this Friday - and for the last things necessary to be a registered charity in Northern Ireland.                                          

- Please pray for our friend and brother in the Lord, George Ireland and his wife Muriel at Mooreland Close. Though George still has his quick wit and sharp mind, his body is wearing out from cancer and a bad heart and we have just heard that he is going downhill quickly. We pray for the Lord's peace and grace to be poured out on them.

- We pray for the Lord to use us more and more at Mooreland Close. We need to be praying for dear Margaret again, as she had a flare-up of arthritis in her foot making walking painful, so she couldn't make it to church with us Sunday as she had hoped. 

Thank you for your faithful prayer support,
Rick and Cindy Johnston