Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 25 Praise & Prayer Requests

  • Praise the Lord that the request for our visa extension has been submitted!

Please pray for the following:

  • Pastor has announced he will be leaving in two weeks and has asked me to take his place.  Most families are leaving, but the Lord has shown us clearly that it is His will for us to remain and basically re-plant the church, so...
  • Pray for the Lord to guide us in the specific steps to take next.
  • Pray for our visas to be processed efficiently.
  •  That the power and presence of the Lord will be with us when ever we meet.
  •  For a worship leader.
  • For our son, Daniel, to fully surrender to the Lord. 
  • Please pray for everyone at Harvest as they transition through these changes.
Thank you for your faithful prayer support,

God bless you,
Rick & Cindy Johnston

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Visa Update

What a roller coaster ride we've been on this past couple of weeks.  We have gone from the depths of, well I don't want to say despair, but from near hopelessness to ecstatic relief over the application for an extension for our visa which is our leave to remain in the UK.

Today, March 20th we posted in the mail our visa applications.  Now, as we have told people that we will be able to remain we've received the same response of ecstatic relief that we felt ourselves.

With our staying here in Northern Ireland, there will be some changes in the near future with Harvest.  We will update you on those as soon as we are able to.

We appreciate your prayers for quick and efficient processing of our visa applications.

May the Lord richly bless you!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11 Prayer Requests

  • Praise the Lord for healing Rick's wrist and Cindy's back!

  • Pray for the latest news we got today (March 11) that puts in doubt whether we will be able to sponsor in order to get the extension for our UK visa. If that is the case we would have to leave the UK next month when visa expires (April 14)
  • Pray the Lord's will be done.  We certainly don't feel that He is done with us here.  We pray for a quick resolve for the visa issue and for Harvest to have clarity and not confusion (for we know who the author of confusion is!).
  • Please pray also for Cindy to recover from a severe flu that has given her body aches, headache and a hacking cough.
  • Pray for Harvest's Youth Group that we lead, so they won't be distracted from seeking after the Lord and that the Lord will show us what to teach and do with them.
  • Also pray for B. who is struggling with her identity in Christ and for K. who is doubting her salvation.  Pray for their parents to have wisdom and patience.
Thank you for your prayer support,
Rick & Cindy

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Prayer Requests

Please be praying for the following things...

  • Pray for the ''Amazing Jesus'' lessons the next two Fridays at Groggan Primary School with Scripture Union
  • Pray for Cindy, I've had back pain for a couple of weeks off and on, that it would be relieved and healed.
  • Pray for Rick as he hurt his left wrist the other day working in the garden, it is getting better, but there is a lot to do so a complete healing would be wonderful for him as well.
  • Pray that the Lord would give the body at Harvest servant's hearts and keep the unity in spirit and the desire to work together for Him.
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers on our behalf,
God bless you,
Pastor Rick & Cindy