Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gwanyeboyie! Gwanyeboyie!

Some of the ladies at Moreland Close

Cindy and Margaret

Debbie enjoying a cup of tea with the folks at Moreland Close, Sally is sitting behind Debbie in the blue sweater, she is who stood and yelled "Go on ye boyie!" during the film - these folks are such dear, sweet people.

The movie was nearing the climax and a lad for the “good guys” had just
intercepted a pass and was streaking down the sideline for the end zone. As you
read these words, you, as one familiar with American football, understand exactly
what is happening. But this film was being shown to a group of senior citizens at
an active care retirement facility in our town of Ballymena. This was probably the
first exposure any of them had had to America’s favorite sport. However, we
realized that they did “get it” when one of the ladies in the back row jumped up
and cheered on our hero with an exuberant outburst of a well known Northern
Irish expression: “Go on ye boyie! Go on ye boyie!”

We were delighted that they were enjoying the film so much, as a regular
part of our ministry is reaching out to these dear folks with friendship evangelism.
Likewise, this joyous cheer reminds me of the encouragement I can receive from
the Lord. In those moments when I may feel down or discouraged, I recall
Scriptures such as Colossians 1:11 which says, “May you be strengthened with all
power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy,
giving thanks to the Father…” In other words, at these times, I hear God
whispering in my ear, “Go on ye boyie, go on.”

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Lord's Creative Time at CreationFest

Rick led morning devotions for us campers who were up bright and early.
Us in the camping office...working hard, can't you tell???

Rick, Desiree Uht, me and Janelle Uht - two girls we taught in Sunday school when they were just 'wee-ins'. The girls were at CreationFest serving in the children's ministry area with a team from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

Rick, Eddie, Cindy, Chris and Dave - the Wren brothers, Chris and Dave worked with us in the camping office

You know the times I’m talking about – when we do things because we know it’s the right thing to do, yet we wonder if any real good can come out of it. I kind of thought CreationFest would be like that. CreationFest is a week-long Christian festival combining bands, Biblical teaching and youth and children’s activities. It is not your usual music fest; as I came to see it (and the way it was received by most everyone in attendance) it was a Christian festival done right.

CreationFest was sponsored by the Calvary Chapels of the UK and Ireland. It was free to attend and had camping at a nominal cost. While at the UK Pastors and Leaders Conference held in York, England at the start of July, Cindy and I were led to volunteer to head the camping when the need was broadcasted. Oh well, it’s not glamorous, but it’s necessary. But God… who always has surprises for us, used these two simple servants in amazing ways.

We were “stuck” in the camping office in the back corner of the festival site, but people were brought to us. The office had power outlets and word soon got out that portable devices could be charged there. Some would come in, they thought, just to charge their mobile phones and would engage in conversation and lo and behold, real ministry was happening in their lives. We prayed for their needs, gave counsel, encouraged and befriended them and saw the Lord move through us.

The peak experience came as we ended up leading a girl to faith in Christ! She, too, had just walked up to the office with a practical need to be met, but the Lord used us to meet the greatest need of all in her life. The CreationFest had as a primary goal – which was wonderfully met, to build up the body of Christ. But being a Calvary Chapel sponsored function, the gospel was frequently presented and 58 new members of the family of God were officially registered! Make that 59 with our new sister Judy.
Thanks for all your prayers during this time, we are so very grateful for you!!!
Rick and Cindy Johnston